How to Win the Balancing Act: Change Demand and Capacity Management

We’ve written previously about the importance of balancing organisational capacity for change with change demand. Organisations that fail to do this will stagnate and be poor competitors in the marketplace. Organisations that do it well will achieve greater ROI, implementation success rates, and achieve their strategic objectives. After all, our ability to execute organisational strategies quickly, […]

Avoid Overload by Improving Capacity for Change & Managing Demand

Every organisation seeking to implement major change must manage three key components, or risk areas, in the organisational change system: Organisational capacity for change Change demand risks Initiative-specific risks This article explores the impact of the first two – demand and capacity – on an organisation’s ability to implement their change initiatives. 1. Organisational capacity for change Organisational capacity for […]

Level of Change in Business

At Change Synergy, we work with some of the region’s most progressive companies. A typical client has around 100 change initiatives happening at any one time. They tend to fall into three distinct categories. 1. Executive strategic, externally regulated or business improvement These are usually large, high profile, organisation-wide or multi-functional changes. They’re usually known about broadly […]