A Superpower You Can Get Right Now
The constant stream of superhero movies makes even the most non-fan (that’s yours truly) reflect on what it would be like to have superpowers....

There Are Three Things You Need To Do: Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
Ask five thought leaders their recipe for change success, and you’ll probably get five different answers. Ask five executives what they did right on...

The Simple Rules of Executing Brilliantly
Innovation isn’t just popular, it’s good for business. As customers, we value innovation, especially when it enhances our self-image. (We’ll pay more for something if it...

Planning a Transformation Program? Avoid These Blind Spots
Everyone wants to find new ways to grow and stay ahead. Organisations are asking how they can transform their business, products and services. They...

The Secret Sauce of High-Performing Leaders: Do Less, Better
Regulatory change, customer transformation, a restructure, some precursor technology changes to enable the customer transformation…and an office restack to prepare for our (second!) return...

6 Ways Change Management Needs to Change During COVID
Recently a client asked me to prepare some thoughts on how change management has changed during the pandemic. Her team wanted to know how...

How to Jumpstart Change Management in 10 Steps
In our experience, there are organisations with an aggressive project or transformation agenda that know that change management is necessary—everyone talks about it, so...

Are you starting with WHY?
To get on board with change, people need to understand the opportunity ahead, or why the status quo isn’t good enough anymore. Are you...

Accountability: The Missing Link in Making Change Stick
You’ve done all you can: documented everything, run training sessions at all hours, sent all your communications (mostly email, but hey―COVID), and the business...

Characteristics of a truly Change Capable Organisation
Change – An Organisational Imperative Change has Changed Defining Change Capability A Holistic Model of Change Capability Dimension 1: Leadership Commitment to Change Dimension...
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