Are you starting with WHY?

“Next year we’re going to introduce an enterprise-wide platform to manage employee identities, access and entitlements.” Does this make you want to pay attention? Be honest. No, it doesn’t. What’s Missing? A lot – and it’s boring – but most important: why are we doing this? When crafting messages, project teams often focus exclusively on what’s changing: […]

Is Your Organisation Suffering from Poor Change Leadership? Here’s what to look out for.

Are you struggling to get traction? Does it feel like you’re doing a lot of work but with little success? It may be because your organisation is suffering from weak change leadership.Here are three symptoms to look out for. 1.    Resistance While resistance is a normal human response to change, when entire teams are resisting […]

Want Your Organisation to be Great at Change? Do These Five Things Well

We often talk about what it means to excel at change—to be change capable. Today we’ll distil our change management research into a quick list. What does a change-capable organisation do really well? Drawing from our 20 years of fieldwork, here are five characteristics of a change-capable organisation. Here’s what you need to do well Organisations that are good at change consistently do these five things well: […]

Our Formula to Overcome Resistance

When we ask leaders why they’ve come to one of our courses, we usually hear a variation of “I need help managing resistance!” The key is to re-frame how we think about resistance – and then develop plans to overcome it. 1. Resistance is Normal Managing resistance is key to making change stick. It’s also a normal response […]

3 Things You Must Do To Build Leadership Commitment

Pop Quiz: Name one of the top two causes of organisational change failure. Answer: Lack of leadership (Source: PMI’s 2014 Pulse of the Profession) Unfortunately, just because someone holds a position of leadership doesn’t mean they know how to lead change. We all understand that leadership commitment is critical to the sustainability of any change – but how do we achieve it? […]

5 Anchors to Make Change Stick

“How do you make change stick?” We’ve all been asked this question many times over the years. And it’s no wonder: staff levels are lean, job satisfaction is low, and employees are stressed. Everyone is looking for a silver bullet to make change stick. “Do these four things and presto, you’ve created enduring change!” Like […]

Agile Management is Critical in a Dynamic Era

So much of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to work. —Peter Drucker Though Drucker’s heyday was in the 1950s and 60s, the management guru’s remark feels truer than ever. Workers today must negotiate a web of complexity — exploding inboxes, endless meetings, relentless changes to systems, process and structure — […]